26 de março de 2018 | Altas Energias, Publicações

Analytical Attractor and the Divergence of the Slow-Roll Expansion in Relativistic Hydrodynamics

G. S. Denicol, J. Noronha

PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 97, p. 056021, 2018



We find the general analytical solution of the viscous relativistic hydrodynamic equations (in the absence of bulk viscosity and chemical potential) for a Bjorken expanding fluid with an ideal gas equation of state and a constant shear viscosity relaxation time. We analytically determine the hydrodynamic attractor of this fluid and discuss its properties. We show for the first time that the slow-roll expansion, a commonly used approach to characterize the attractor, diverges. This is shown to hold also in a conformal plasma. The gradient expansion is found to converge in an example where causality and stability are violated.
