29 de agosto de 2018 | Altas Energias, Publicações

Study of the in-medium nucleon electromagnetic form factors using a light-front nucleon wave function combined with the quark-meson coupling model

W.R.B.de Araújo, J.P.B.C.de Melo, K.Tsushima

Nuclear Physics A. Vol. 970, p. 325-352, 2017



We study the nucleon electromagnetic (EM) form factors in symmetric nuclear matter as well as in vacuum within a light-front approach using the in-medium inputs calculated by the quark-meson coupling model. The same in-medium quark properties are used as those used for the study of in-medium pion properties. The zero of the proton EM form factor ratio in vacuum, the electric to magnetic form factor ratio μpGEp(Q2)/GMp(Q2) (Q2=−q2>0 with q being the four-momentum transfer), is determined including the latest experimental data by implementing a hard constituent quark component in the nucleon wave function. A reasonable fit is achieved for the ratio μpGEp(Q2)/GMp(Q2) in vacuum, and we predict that the Q02 value to cross the zero of the ratio to be about 15 GeV2. In addition the double ratio data of the proton EM form factors in 4He and H nuclei, [GEp4He(Q2)/G4HeMp(Q2)]/[GEp1H(Q2)/GMp1H(Q2)], extracted by the polarized (e→,e′p→) scattering experiment on 4He at JLab, are well described. We also predict that the Q02 value satisfying μpGEp(Q02)/GMp(Q02)=0 in symmetric nuclear matter, shifts to a smaller value as increasing nuclear matter density, which reflects the facts that the faster falloff of GEp(Q2) as increasing Q2 and the increase of the proton mean-square charge radius. Furthermore, we calculate the neutron EM form factor double ratio in symmetric nuclear matter for 0.1<Q2<1.0 GeV2. The result shows that the neutron double ratio is enhanced relative to that in vacuum, while for the proton it is quenched, and agrees with an existing theoretical prediction.
