3 de fevereiro de 2021 | Oportunidades
We are seeking to fill one PhD studentship position and two Postdoctoral positions in materials / experimental condensed matter physics research within the Centre for Designer Quantum Materials at the University of St Andrews (www.quantummatter.co.uk), we would be grateful if you could forward this email to any suitable candidates. The positions are across two groups.
Postdoctoral positions,
DEADLINE: 8th February 2021
They include:
Synthesis and chemical and physical characterisation of quantum & functional materials / In-situ physical property instrumentation development with neutron diffraction (Ref: AR2481NB, with Dr Alexandra Gibbs, a.gibbs@st-andrews.ac.uk).
Thermodynamic and transport studies of designer heterostructures of strongly correlated electron systems (Ref: AR2377NB, with Dr Andreas Rost, a.rost@st-andrews.ac.uk)
The experimental roles will involve running or developing state-of-the-art instrumentation and/or material synthesis as well as contributing to the broader activities of the research groups and the Centre for Designer Quantum Materials (CDQM), a collaborative research centre at the University of St Andrews across physics and chemistry. It is housed in purpose-built and recently renovated lab space, providing an active and vibrant research environment including experimental facilities (www.quantummatter.co.uk).
Candidates who are interested in applying for multiple of these positions should mention this in their cover letter, indicating an order of preference. It is not necessary to submit multiple applications. The interviews take place via Skype later in February. Starting dates are flexible given the current public health situation.
Informal enquiries are very welcome.
PhD Studentship: Unravelling structure-property relationships in quantum and functional materials
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate to join our interdisciplinary group which works at the chemistry-physics boundary to unravel structure-property relationships in advanced functional and quantum materials (including e.g. ferroelectrics, multiferroics, quantum magnets and materials with strong spin-orbit coupling leading to exotic electronic and magnetic states). The PhD project forms part of a 5 year EPSRC-funded programme and will involve the synthesis and detailed chemical and physical characterisation of new materials along with the use of advanced data analysis techniques and bespoke in-situ neutron diffraction instrumentation developed within the group. Parts of the work will take place at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (e.g. high-resolution neutron diffraction and complementary techniques), and there will be opportunities for collaborative work across disciplines on other highly specialised measurement techniques and with theorists.
The successful candidate will be further embedded in an interdisciplinary environment through being based in the School of Chemistry and being trained as part of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Materials cohort, joint with the School of Physics and Astronomy and the Centre for Designer Quantum Materials. This will enable development as an interdisciplinary scientist with a thorough grounding in experimental techniques, complemented by understanding of a wide range of current topics in materials research and the ability to work seamlessly across the chemistry-physics boundary.
The position is particularly appropriate to candidates with interests ranging from condensed matter physics to solid state chemistry and applicants from either background (or with joint degrees) are encouraged to apply.
Informal enquiries are strongly encouraged, please contact Dr Alexandra Gibbs: a.gibbs@st-andrews.ac.uk.
Details: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/unravelling-structure-property-relationships-in-quantum-and-functional-materials/?p123665