23 de setembro de 2020 | Estruturas Nucleares e Reações, Publicações
L. Fortunato, C. E. Alonso, J. M. Arias, J. Casal, K. Hagino, J. A. Lay, E. G. Lanza, S. M. Lenzi, J. Lubian, T. Oishi, F. Pérez-Bernal
The European Physical Journal A
We give an account of the main achievements of the scientific career of Andrea Vitturi so far, that have recently been discussed during the workshop “Theoretical Nuclear Physics in Padova” on the occasion of his retirement from full professor at the University of Padova. He has oftentimes been the driving force behind numerous contributions to nuclear structure and nuclear reactions that are here reviewed: giant resonances, pairing correlations, collective modes, algebraic models, inelastic excitations, electromagnetic response, break-up and transfer reactions, coupled-channel formalism, clustering, sub-barrier fusion processes, etc. Among these topics several inspirational works and ideas can be found that we would like to highlight. This paper serves two scopes. On one hand, it is an account of some of the topics discussed in the recent workshop “Theoretical Nuclear Physics in Padova: a meeting in honor of Prof. Andrea Vitturi” [1] that was held in Padova on May 20 and 21 2019 on the occasion of his retirement. On the other, the organizers and participants felt the duty to summarize in this review paper his extensive scientific production, beyond what was discussed at the meeting, because it spans a broad range of topics in low energy nuclear physics, trying to highlight several fruitful ideas and to shed new light on some less known papers that most certainly deserve further recognition.