Informes e Destaques

Ben Mottelson, founding ECT* Director and Nobel prize physics 1975, passed away at the age of 95. Professor Mottelson played an essential role in the establishment of ECT* in the early 1990s and served as its founding Director from 1993 to 1997. Continue Lendo…

A professora do Departamento de Física da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (FSC/UFSC), Débora Menezes, acaba de ser reconhecida pelo programa Outstanding Referee como parecerista de destaque de revistas científicas reconhecidas internacionalmente. O programa, que é uma iniciativa da American Physical Society (APS), reconhece anualmente em torno de 150 dos cerca de 82.000 pareceristas ativos. Continue Lendo…

Wednesday February 2nd, 3pm GMT
Speakers : Grigory Rogachev, Jack Bishop, Patrick Knights, Angus Hollands
Chairs : Tzany Kokalova Wheldon

This open access colloquium will be hosted on behalf of the IOP Nuclear Physics Group by the University of Birmingham.

To join please use the following link to access the Zoom platform:
Meeting ID: 847 0517 8890
Passcode: 878821


Prof. Grigory Rogachev – Texas A&M University
Nuclear reactions and structure of exotic nuclei with active target detectors

Abstract: Rare isotope beams provide an opportunity to use relatively simple and well understood reactions to study structure of exotic nuclei. The obvious limitation of relatively low intensity of rare isotope beams is compensated by relatively high cross sections and well understood reaction mechanisms of “simple” nuclear reactions, such as nucleon transfer reactions, elastic and inelastic scattering. Still, it is important to use an efficient and versatile experimental approach to achieve the maximum return on an investment into rare isotope beam facilities. I will review recent experimental efforts at Texas A&M University to utilize active target approach to study structure of light exotic nuclei (e.g. 9C, 10N, 13Be), clustering phenomena in light nuclei and to make direct measurements of fusion reaction cross section with exotic beams near the Coulomb barrier.

Dr Jack Bishop – Texas A&M University
Novel experiments with a TPC: beta-delayed charged-particle spectroscopy and neutron-induced reactions

Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) provide a fantastic opportunity to study reactions where there are multiple low-energy products from a radioactive ion beam. The high efficiency and target thickness available means that even for low-intensity beams, one can accumulate a considerable number of events and perform experiments that are otherwise unachievable.

Two techniques that use TPCs in a novel way will be presented. The first method is beta-delayed charged-particle spectroscopy where a radioactive ion is implanted into the sensitive region of the Texas Active Target Time Projection Chamber (TexAT TPC). In this way, states in 12C and 13N were studied, which undergo 3α and 3α +p decays respectively, allowing for rare decays to be observed.

The second method is the world’s first study of neutron-induced reactions in an active target TPC where a neutron beam was incident on CO2 gas to study the inelastic scattering of neutrons from carbon to populate the Hoyle state. This cross section is extremely important in stellar nucleosynthesis (contributing to an enhancement of the triple-alpha process via neutron upscattering) and the consequences of the results obtained will be discussed.

Mr Patrick Knights – University of Birmingham.

Mr Angus Hollands University of Birmingham.


The IOP Nuclear Physics Group Colloquia is a series of online open access research colloquia for all those involved in nuclear physics. This series will highlight the latest results, new techniques and future prospects in the field, for the attention and discussion of the research community.
Colloquia feature talks from invited international speakers and the best of young British researchers, as well as open discussions. Each of the sessions will be chaired on behalf of the IOP Nuclear Physics Group by experts in the field invited from esteemed UK research groups.
Sessions are open to all, but are aimed towards graduate students, researchers and academics. We encourage student participation in discussions and offer the option to submit anonymous questions through the session chair.

Please check the IOP events page for details of future colloquia

Com grande prazer iniciamos a organização da 29º Reunião de Trabalho sobre Interações Hadrônicas (RETINHA 29), que ocorrerá nos dias 14 e 15 de fevereiro de 2022 no CBPF (Rio de Janeiro). Além do programa científico, aproveitaremos a oportunidade para fazer um “bota-fora” para nossa colega Marina Nielsen, que está se aposentando.

A comissão organizadora é composta por: Gabriel Denicol (UFF), Sergio Duarte (CBPF), Ignacio Bediaga (CBPF) e Fernando Navarra (USP).

Seguindo a tradição, esta reunião será dedicada aos estudantes de pós-graduação e aos posdocs. Frequentemente, este é o lugar onde eles apresentam seus primeiros seminários (de 20 minutos) para uma plateia de pesquisadores experientes.

A RETINHA é uma reunião da comunidade de física de hádrons e os tópicos discutidos incluem:

  • Física de Íons Pesados Relativísticos: hidrodinâmica relativística, termodinâmica da QCD, modelos de produção de partículas, física do plasma de quarks e glúons, jatos e QCD perturbativa, colisões ultra-periféricas, colisões próton-próton, produção de estranheza, charme e de estados exóticos…
  • Espalhamento Inelástico Profundo: funções de distribuição de pártons, saturação de pártons e o color glass condensate, física do electron-ion collider…
  • Estrutura Hadrônica: modelos de quarks, QCD na rede, regras de soma da QCD, equações de Dyson-Schwinger, estados ligados e ressonâncias, espectroscopia de hádrons exóticos, massas e fatores de forma…
  • Estrelas de Nêutrons: matéria hadrônica e de quarks a altas densidades, estrutura estelar, campos magnéticos fortes…
  • Desenvolvimentos formais em teorias de campos e modelos holográficos

Para participar, basta enviar um email para com nome, nível (mestrado, doutorado, posdoc, professor), instituição de origem e o titulo do seminário.

Auxílio Financeiro: sugerimos aos estudantes que busquem auxílio junto às comissões de pós-graduação de suas unidades e aos colegas pesquisadores que usem “grants” e outras verbas de projeto. Para aqueles que não conseguirem financiamento, a comissão organizadora se esforçará para cobrir as despesas de passagem e estadia com o auxílio de recursos cedidos pelo INCT-FNA.