M.Broilo, E.G.S.Luna and M.J.Menon
Physics Letters B. Volume 781, p. 616-620. 10 June 2018.
Recent data from LHC13 by the TOTEM Collaboration on and ρ have indicated disagreement with all the Pomeron model predictions by the COMPETE Collaboration (2002). On the other hand, as recently demonstrated by Martynov and Nicolescu (MN), the new datum and the unexpected decrease in the ρ value are well described by the maximal Odderon dominance at the highest energies. Here, we discuss the applicability of Pomeron dominance through fits to the most complete set of forward data from pp and scattering. We consider an analytic parameterization for consisting of non-degenerated Regge trajectories for even and odd amplitudes (as in the MN analysis) and two Pomeron components associated with double and triple poles in the complex angular momentum plane. The ρ parameter is analytically determined by means of dispersion relations. We carry out fits to pp and data on and ρ in the interval 5 GeV–13 TeV (as in the MN analysis). Two novel aspects of our analysis are: (1) the dataset comprises all the accelerator data below 7 TeV and we consider three independent ensembles by adding: either only the TOTEM data (as in the MN analysis), or only the ATLAS data, or both sets; (2) in the data reductions to each ensemble, uncertainty regions are evaluated through error propagation from the fit parameters, with 90% CL. We argument that, within the uncertainties, this analytic model corresponding to soft Pomeron dominance, does not seem to be excluded by the complete set of experimental data presently available.