E. Leistenschneider, A. Lépine-Szily, M. A. G. Alvarez, D. R. Mendes, Jr., R. Lichtenthäler, V. A. P. Aguiar, M. Assunção, R. Pampa Condori, U. U. da Silva, P. N. de Faria, N. Deshmukh, J. G. Duarte, L. R. Gasques, V. Guimarães, E. L. A. Macchione, M. C. Morais, V. Morcelle, K. C. C. Pires, V. B. Scarduelli, G. Scotton, J. M. B. Shorto, and V. A. B. Zagatto
Phys. Rev. C 98, 064601
We measured the 8Li(p, p)8Li, 8Li(p, d)7Li, and 8Li(p, α)5He reactions at low energies using the thick target inverse kinematics method, with a polyethylene [CH2]n target and a radioactive 8Li beam available at the Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil facility of São Paulo. By measuring simultaneously several reaction channels (p, p), (p, d), and (p, α), the still uncertain high-lying resonances of 9Be, close to the proton threshold, can be studied and their parameters, such as energy, width, and spin parity can be more reliably determined. The experimental excitation functions of the reactions 8Li(p, p)8Li, 8Li(p, d)7Li, and 8Li(p, α)5He were analyzed using the R -matrix theory, which allows us to infer the properties of the resonances. Multichannel R -matrix analysis provides evidence for a significant clustering in the (p, d) channel. The experimental data and the multichannel R -matrix analysis will be presented.