22 de novembro de 2024 | Aplicações, Publicações
M.A. Guazzelli, L.H. Avanzi, V.A.P. Aguiar, A.C. Vilas-Bôas, S.G. Alberton, S.H. Masunaga, E.F. Chinaglia, K. Araki, M. Nakamura, M.M. Toyama, F.F. Ferreira, M.T. Escote, R.B.B. Santos, N.H. Medina, J.R.B. Oliveira, F. Cappuzzello, M. Cavallaro
Diamond and Related Materials
Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) has been extensively researched due to its chemical and physical properties that make it suitable for applications in several technologies. Its high thermal conductivity makes HOPG an excellent heat sink, a crucial characteristic for manufacturing targets used in nuclear reactions, such as those proposed by the NUMEN project. However, when subjected to different radiation sources, this material undergoes changes in its crystalline structure, which alters its intended functionality. This study examined HOPG sheets before and after exposure to a 14 MeV neutron beam. Morphological and crystallographic analyses reveal that even minor disruptions in the high atomic ordering result in modifications to its thermal properties. The results of this study are essential to establish the survival time of the HOPG used as thermal interface material to improve heat dissipation of a nuclear target to be bombarded by an intense high-energy heavy-ion beam.