20 de setembro de 2019 | Informes e Destaques


iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences (iThemba LABS), a National Facility of the National Research Foundation (NRF), launched the South African Isotope Facility (SAIF) with the procurement of a Cyclone® 70 Cyclotron and associated beam lines from Ion Beam Applications S.A. (IBA) to be used as a high-energy, high-intensity proton cyclotron for isotope production and research.

iThemba LABS is a multidisciplinary research facility that is based on the development, operation and use of particle accelerators and related research equipment. iThemba LABS is South Africa’s largest basic science enterprise probing the fundamental structure and origins of matter, advancing our understanding of condensed matter and enhancing our impact on societal needs such as medicine and the environment. In South Africa and internationally iThemba LABS is known for its leadership in advancing isotopes for science and medicine. In schools and among students, iThemba LABS is an inspiration, a career path, and a resource for learning and sharing. In business circles, iThemba LABS is recognized for its advanced accelerator technologies and production of medical isotopes. In academia, iThemba LABS is known as the regional hub for South African university researchers in material, particle and nuclear physics. IBA based in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, is the world leader in manufacturing of cyclotrons and provision of solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer through the application of radiopharmaceutical products and proton therapy.

The SAIF strategy of iThemba LABS, has been endorsed and approved by the NRF Board as an infrastructure renewal project focussed on the increase use of the existing cyclotron at iThemba LABS for dedicated research and training, whilst supporting the acquisition of a new 70 MeV cyclotron to increase the production of Radio- isotopes in view of a growing local and international market and to create a financially sustainable research enterprise. Subsequently, the South African Government through the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the National Treasury (NT) endorsed and provided support for the SAIF strategy.

The Benefit to South Africa, Science and Society on the investment in the 70 MeV cyclotron will be realised through the:

Dr Molapo Qhobela, Chief Executive Officer of the NRF commented: “iThemba LABS, with the launch of SAIF and acquisition of the Cyclone® 70, has changed the landscape of Nuclear Sciences (subatomic research and isotope production) forever in South Africa. The selection of IBA, a leading company in Cyclotron technology and unique know-how in developing high energy 70 MeV cyclotrons, as the successful bidder marks the realisation of the official launch of SAIF Phase 1.” This 70 MeV Cyclotron will be dedicated to the production of new generation medical isotopes used mainly in the diagnosis of critical illnesses. Dr Azaiez, Managing Director of iThemba LABS, added: “By launching SAIF, the ambition of iThemba LABS and NRF is not only to consolidate South Africa’s position as one of the very few main players in the world of producing and supplying the medical sector with radio-isotopes, but also to establish a world class research facility competing at the international scene in studying the heart of matter and the fuel of stars in the laboratory with the LERIB (Low Energy Radioactive Ion Beams) project”

The SAIF Phase 1, which consists of the Radio-Isotope Facility (based on the 70 MeV cyclotron) and the LERIB facility, is planned to be completed in 2022 and to coincide with the hosting in Cape Town of the INPC (International Nuclear Physics Conference) which is the most prestigious conference in the physics domain.