28 de abril de 2023 | Estruturas Nucleares e Reações, Publicações

Light Cone Distribution Amplitudes of Heavy-Light Mesons and Quarkonia

Bruno El-Bennich, Fernando Serna

Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Charm Physics — PoS(CHARM2020)



In this work we use the framework of the Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations to compute Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes of heavy-light mesons and quarkonia. In studying the meson properties, we introduce a flavor dependence in the heavy-quark sector of the Bethe-Salpeter ladder kernel which yields improved numerical results for masses and leptonic decay constants of the pseudoscalar D, Ds, B and Bs mesons. Finally, the corresponding heavy-light Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes are projected onto the light front and we reconstruct the distribution amplitudes of the mesons in the full theory.
