30 de maio de 2018 | Estruturas Nucleares e Reações, Publicações

Radiative 3He(a,g)7Be Reaction in Halo Effective Field Theory

R. Higa, G. Rupak, A. Vaghani

The European Physical Journal A 54, 89 (2018)



In this work we study the radiative capture of 3He on 4He within the halo effective field theory (EFT) framework. At leading order the capture amplitude comprises the initial state s-wave strong and Coulomb interactions summed to all orders. At the same order in the expansion, leading two-body currents contribute as well. We find delicate cancelations between the various contributions, and the two-body current contributions can be replaced by appropriately enhancing the asymptotic normalizations of the 7Be ground and first excited state wave functions. The next-to-leading order corrections come from the s-wave shape parameter and the pure Coulomb d-wave initial state interactions. We fit the EFT parameters to available scattering data and most recent capture data. Our zero-energy astrophysical S-factor estimate, keV b, is consistent within error bars with the average in the literature.
