23 de novembro de 2020 | Estruturas Nucleares e Reações, Publicações
L. F. Canto, V. Guimarães, J. Lubian, M. S. Hussein
The European Physical Journal A
In this review paper we present a detailed account of the extraction and the calculation of the total reaction cross section of strongly bound and weakly bound, stable and unstable, exotic, nuclei. We discuss the optical model and the more general coupled channels model of direct reactions, and how from fits to the data on elastic scattering supplies the elastic element of (partial wave) S-matrix and correspondingly the differential cross section and the total reaction cross section. The effect of long-range absorption due to the coupling to excited states in the target and to the breakup continuum in the projectile is also discussed. The semiclassical method is then analyzed and the Hill–Wheeler expression of the tunneling probability and the Wong formula for the fusion and the total reaction cross sections are discussed in details. The generalized optical theorem for charged particle scattering and the resulting sum-of differences method is then discussed. Also, the strong absorption model in its sharp cutoff form and its generalization, the smooth cutoff, is discussed. The so-called “quarter-point recipe” is discussed next, and the quarter-point angle is introduced as a simple and rapid mean to obtain the total reaction cross section. The last topic discussed is the reduction of the total reaction cross section that would allow a large body of data to sit on a single universal function. Such a universal function exists in the case of the fusion data, and the aim of this last topic of the review is to extend the fusion case to the total reaction, by adding the direct reaction contribution. Also discussed is the inclusive breakup cross section and how it can be used to extract the total reaction cross section of the interacting fragment with the target. This method is also known as the Surrogate method and represents a case of hybrid reactions. The sum of the integrated inclusive breakup cross section with the complete fusion cross section supplies the total fusion cross section. A review of the experimental methods and techniques used to measure elastic scattering and breakup reactions is also presented. Emphasis is given to recent experiments and new techniques developed to deal with reactions induced by unstable beams. We discuss also the experimental challenges in these measurements and highlight the new techniques being developed to optimize measurements with radioactive ion beams.