
Prof. Nilberto Medina (IFUSP)
Profª. Débora Peres Menezes (UFSC)
18 de Outubro de 2018, das 15:10h as 17:20h
Sala EFI-401

Dois seminários, ambos em nível introdutório, discutindo Radiação Ionizante (Prof. Nilberto Medina, IFUSP) e a Física Nuclear no Nosso Cotidiano e na Vida e Morte Estelar (Profª. Débora Peres Menezes, UFSC) serão transmitidos durante a SNCT. Após os vídeos, haverá sessão de debates.

Radiação Ionizante: Atualmente, existe um grande interesse no desenvolvimento de dispositivos tolerantes à radiação para serem utilizados por longos períodos em ambientes hostis, como em satélites no espaço exterior, aviões, reatores nucleares e aceleradores de partículas. Para entender os fenômenos físicos responsáveis pelas alterações nos dispositivos expostos à radiação ionizante, devem ser considerados vários tipos de radiação, tais como: íons pesados, nêutrons, prótons, raios X e raios gama. O estudo do comportamento dos dispositivos submetidos a todos esses tipos de radiação é muito importante para o desenvolvimento de circuitos eletrônicos mais tolerantes à radiação.

Física Estelar e do Cotidiano: A física nuclear tem como objetivo a investigação da origem, evolução, estrutura e fases da matéria nuclear sujeita à interação forte. As estruturas elementares da matéria nuclear serão apresentadas e, a partir delas e das interações nuclear forte e fraca, serão discutidos conceitos de fusão e de fissão. Enquanto a nossa vida se deve à fusão nuclear que ocorre no sol, conseguir energia a partir dessa reação na terra ainda exige muitos esforços e investigação, mas está a caminho. Por outro lado, a fissão produz uma quantidade considerável de energia, que vem sempre acompanhada de rejeitos radioativos, mas é parte principal da matriz energética de muitos países e fonte indiscutível dos exames diagnósticos de ponta.

Para acessar a página do evento clique aqui.

New Trends in High-Energy Physics is a serial multi-disciplinary conference with emphases on topical problems in high-energy (astro)particle and nuclear physics. It brings together a limited number (about 80) of prominent scientists from all over the world and students, mainly from Ukraine and neighboring countries. Promotion of collaboration between scientists from East and West, young and experienced is among the objectives of this series of conferences (see: serial ).

The program of the Conference will include original and review talks by experts as well as short presentations (oral or poster) by students.

Conference topics:

  • Physics at the LHC
  • The Standard Model and beyond; neutrino physics
  • Elastic and diffractive scattering of hadrons and nuclei
  • Spin & polarization
  • Deep inelastic scattering and multiparticle dynamics
  • Nuclear matter at extreme conditions; physics at NICA and FAIR
  • Advances in quantum field theory, confinement, condensed matter
  • Non-accelerator physics, cosmic rays
  • Astroparticle physics, gravitation and cosmology
  • Computing for Large Scale Accelerator Facilities
  • New detector, data analyses technique and nuclear safety

Important dates:

Deadline for on-line registration: January 30, 2019
Arrival and registration: May 12, 2019, Sunday
Registration will continue on Monday, May 13
Opening: May 13, Monday, 10.00
End of the Conference: May 18, Saturday 12.00

Para acessar a página do evento clique aqui.

ITA organiza dentro do seu Campus o primeiro encontro do recém criado Laboratory International Assoscié (LIA) “Subatomic Physics: from theory to applications” between Brasil and France, de 12 a 13 de Junho e 2018. https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/17616/
Leia mais

The recently created Laboratory International Assoscié (LIA) between Brasil and France formally started in january 2018 for a duration of 1+4 years.

The aim of this LIA – entitled “Subatomic physics: from theory to applications” – is to develop and reinforce common scientific and educational projects in this field, following previous collaborations between the two countries (FAPESP, COFECUB, PICS,…).

These projects cover different aspects on:
Theoretical Physics
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Application of Nuclear Physics
Research Training

From the Brasil side, this LIA involves as a signatories ITA, USP, UNESP/IFT and plus researchers from other Brazilian instituions (UFSC Florianópolis, UNIVAP, UFABC, UFF, UFRJ, UFRRJ, CBPF, etc…). From the France side it involve CNRS with several laboratories (IPN, CNSMN, and LAL from Orsay; GANIL, CIMAP and LPC from Caen, IPHC Strasbourg, IPN Lyon, LPSC Grenoble).

As a first action we planned a two-days workshop in ITA Campus at Sao Jose dos Campos to present the different projects and eventually propose new research lines. We have fixed the date of 12 and 13 June 2018.

More information contact prof. Tobias Frederico (tobias@ita.br).

We would like to invite you to participate in the 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics. It will be held in Tsukuba, Japan on November 13-17, 2018. This conference follows the series of meetings previously held in Adelaide, Julich, Bloomington, Madrid, Beijing, Palaiseau, and Valparaiso. Experimentalists and theorists will discuss recent developments in the field of hadron and nuclear physics, and the following topics will be covered.
* Quark and gluon structure of hadrons:
* Hadron spectroscopy:
* Hadron interactions and nuclear structure:
* Hot and cold dense matter:
In addition to plenary sessions, parallel sessions will be organized in the above topics. A poster session will be also arranged. Young postdocs and students are especially welcome. Updated information will be announced on the conference web.

In this second circular, we provide information on
(1) submission of your abstract to the parallel session and poster session,
(2) registration,
(3) hotels in the Tsukuba city.

Please send your abstract by June 30, 2018, and the deadline for the early registration is on August 17, 2018. We recommend you to make the hotel reservation in advance because November is a travel season in Japan. If you have a question, please do not hesitate to ask us. We are looking forward to seeing you in Tsukuba in 2018.

Shunzo Kumano and Shinya Sawada (KEK/J-PARC)
on behalf of the local organizers

Plenary Speakers
Note: Talk titles are tentative.

Gordon Baym (Univ. Illinois)
Neutron star physics
Fabienne Kunne (Saclay)
Nucleon-structure physics by lepton deep inelastic scattering
Su Houng Lee (Yonsei Univ.)
Theory on hadrons in nuclear medium
Ming Liu (Los Alamos)
Nucleon-structure physics by proton-proton collisions
Kyungseon Joo (Univ. Connecticut)
N* physics
Larry McLerran (Univ. Washington)
Theory on high-energy heavy-ion physics
Kenkichi Miyabayashi (Nara Women’s Univ.)
Belle-II project
Barbara Pasquini (Univ. Pavia)
Hadron tomography by three-dimensional structure functions
Eliezer Piasetzky (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Short-range correlations in nuclei
Sasa Prelovsek (Univ. Ljubljana)
Hadron spectroscopy from lattice QCD
Jianwei Qiu (JLab)
Nucleon structure from lattice QCD
Hirokazu Tamura (Tohoku Univ.)
Strangeness nuclear physics
Wolfram Weise (TU Munchen)
Perspectives of hadron and nuclear physics

Plenary speakers on the following topics will be announced later.
* Exotic hadrons
* Experiments on heavy-quark hadrons
* Baryon interactions from lattice QCD
* Experiments on high-energy heavy-ion physics
* Experiments on hadrons in nuclear medium
* EIC project
* J-PARC hadron-hall extension
* GSI-FAIR project

Conference site and visitor information
The conference will be held in the
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA),
2-20-3, Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0032, Japan
in the center of the Tsukuba city.
For access information to the congress center and for tourist information
on the Tsukuba city, please look at

Conference schedule
November 13 (Tue):    8:00 Registration, 9:00 Conference begins.
Morning (plenary), Afternoon (parallel, poster)
November 14 (Wed):    Morning (plenary), Afternoon (parallel)
November 15 (Thu):    Morning (plenary), Afternoon (excursion)
November 16 (Fri):    Morning (plenary), Afternoon (parallel), night (dinner)
November 17 (Sat):    Morning and Afternoon (plenary),
Conference ends in early afternoon.

Important dates
* Application to talk/poster presentation: June 30, 2018
* Early registration:   August 17, 2018
* Regular registration:     September 14, 2018

Registration fee
* Registration fee for general participants:
45,000 yen for early registration
55,000 yen for regular registration
* Registration fee for students:
20,000 yen for early registration
30,000 yen for regular registration
* Accompanying person, Banquet fee: 10,000 yen

The Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics (RTFNB, acronym in Portuguese) is organized annually by the Brazilian Physics Society since 1978. This year, from 02-06 September, we are going to held the 41th edition of this meeting in the city of Maresias, São Paulo at the Maresias Beach Hotel. In this hotel few steps separate the guest rooms from the beach and the ocean can be seen from any of the hotel areas. This pleasant environment is just perfect to exchange ideas and start new collaborations. The motivation of this meeting is to promote Nuclear Physics research in Brazil, by stimulating and reinforcing collaborations between nuclear physicists from around the country together with international invited researchers. Also this meeting will serve to disseminate advances in nuclear physics research and its applications, disclose and evaluate the scientific production in this field and stimulate young researchers and students in their first steps into scientific research. Also, renowned Invited speakers from Brazil and from several countries will show their most recent works.

The subjects on Nuclear Physics to be covered in the meeting are:
1) Hadron Physics
2) High Energy Physics
3) Nuclear Structure and Reactions at low energies
4) Nuclear Astrophysics
5) Applied Nuclear Physics
6) Instrumentation
7) Few-body Problems
Proceedings of the conference will be published in EPJ Web of Conferences series, which is an open-access journal.

02 to 06 September 2018
Maresias – São Sebastião – SP